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Six Activities to Celebrate Fire Prevention Month

October is Fire Prevention Month, and there is no better time to teach students fire safety tips to use in and out of the classroom. EducationWorld has a list of six activities, crafts, videos, and books teachers can use in the classroom to teach students about fire safety month.

  1. Firefighters Tree Map: With this activity, teachers can start the activity by showing, "Sparky Says: Join My Fire Safety Club." Then, teachers can lead the class in creating their own tree map for firefighters where they find answers for what firefighters "can" do, what firefighters "are," and what firefighters "have." Teachers can ask their students if they have a plan, and if they don't, discuss how to be safe in their homes. Here is the video:

  1. Fire Safety Pumpkin Patch: See what your students know about fire safety before even touching any books or lesson plans. Start by making a poster or drawing a large pumpkin on a whiteboard and then give students orange post-its. Ask them what they know about fire safety, such as what they would do in a situation like a fire. 
  2. Fire Safety for Children: The Friendly Fireman: Students can watch this video and meet The Friendly Fireman as he explains important safety rules such as how to act if there is a fire in the classroom or at home. 

  1. No Dragons for Tea: Fire Safety for Kids (And Dragons) by Jean E. Pendziwol: With this book, follow a young girl who just met a fire-breathing dragon. Amazon says, "With its funny, rhyming verse and spunky illustrations, No Dragons for Tea shows kids that learning about fire safety doesn't have to be scary. The story ends with "The Dragon's Fire Safety Rhyme" -- a fun and easy way to remember what to do in case of fire."
  2. Arthur's Fire Drill by Marc Brown: Students can follow Arthur the aardvark as he teaches students about fire safety. Amazon says, "when D.W.'s teacher announces that they will have a fire drill, D.W. is afraid the school is going to burn down! So Arthur gives her his fire fighter's hat, a whistle, and a few tips on fire safety, and appoints her their home fire warden.
  3. Stop Drop and Roll by Margery Cuyler: Amazon says, "Jessica has always been a worrier, and learning about fire safety is making her more nervous than ever. But our favorite worrywart is about to discover that knowing what to do in an emergency is the best (and only) way to extinguish her fire-safety fears!"

Article by Kassondra Granata, EductionWorld Contributor