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After 43 years in my chosen profession, I remain excited, alive, and learning! From an active Twitter Account to blogging, from teaching Constitutional Law to Pre-AP English, from a national winner...
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Heralding: A New Look at SMART Goals

  • Everyone talks about the SMART goals~ the acronym stands for Smart~ Measurable~ Attainable~ Results Oriented~ and Time Bound (SMART). While I am not a critic of these ideas and understand the need for goals like this~ with my teaching hat on~ I rarely use them. In addition~ with my high school principal hat on~ SMART goals are rarely high enough for my school.
  • Specific-important learning needs which must change as regularly as the child grows daily~ weekly or quarterly. Some of these goals are too static for my classroom! Good for objectives but not for goals in my judgment!
  • Measurable-can monitor the measurable but is rarely enough! I want more than the measurable as I receive feedback from the students about their learning.
  • Attainable-goals are real and can be reached. Good idea? I think not! I want objectives to be attainable but I wish higher ideals for ideas to dominate my classroom and school!
  • Results Oriented-outcomes are observable and specific. I would argue that these are objectives and not goals; the threshold is too low for my school.
  • Time Bound-all tasks are completed within a specific time frame. Again~ I would argue~ this is an objective not a goal.
  • SMART Goals maybe it is an idea that needs to be re-examined in this accountability and responsibility charged environment!