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Cooking with Joy “I’m embarrassed to admit that I have a favorite. This is the one I call on the most often. The one who gets more praise than the others. The one I count on for the right answer. Yep, it’s the trusty frozen pie crust."

No Educator Left Behind
Now that NCLB requires teachers to be “highly qualified," shouldn’t salaries be higher?

Read About It What are literature circles?

Education Humor National columnist Regina Barreca brings her timely, insightful humor to Ed World.

This Week’s Survey Question On average, how much do you spend per student on holiday gifts for students in your class/homeroom?  

Last Week’s Survey Results When do you plan to start your holiday shopping?  

School Doodle Santa’s Clause.

ED Scoops Education news headlines for busy educators.

Teaching Critically Is Worth the Effort With all the pressures to prepare for tests and stick with the curriculum, some teachers feel they are losing “teachable moments." But it is just those moments, argues Mary Cowhey, which can help students develop as critical, creative thinkers.

Issues Spotlight 1 After-school programs
Issues Spotlight 2 Celebrity teachers
Issues Spotlight 3 Museums
Issues Spotlight 4 Fathers in schools

Starr Points What do teachers really want for Christmas? Higher pay? Better benefits? Shorter school days? More attentive students? Columnist Linda Starr thinks she knows.

NCLB Updates Reporter John Merrow writes that the No Child Left Behind Act should not be reauthorized until the law’s loopholes are closed. “The federal law encourages statistical manipulations that make reports of academic progress suspect and, in some cases, virtually meaningless."

Turnaround TalesLike many schools that serve poor and/or Native American populations, Lapwai Elementary School in Idaho could not seem to break out of the low-achievement rut. But a group of fired-up teachers pushed for changes that turned the school around.

Fit To Be Taught Report card ads for fast-food spur protest; some schools rely on high-fat foods to keep food service solvent; schools craft wellness policies; physical education program focuses on overall health.

News for Kids The remains of a hadrosaur are being called “the closest thing to a real, live dinosaur" ever found.

Lessons from Our Nation’s Schools Education World visited three New York City schools whose students are predominantly poor and belong to minority groups. Students, administrators, and teachers were eager to share their stories -- anecdotes never included in statistical assessments of their schools.

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