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Microsoft Enters Tablet Market

SurfaceNo, that image to the left is not an iPad surrounded by SmartCovers. That is the Microsoft Surface. Not to be confused with the giant table-sized computer the company released a while ago, the Surface is Microsoft’s entry into the tablet market.

Attempting to take a page out of Apple’s playbook on several levels, Microsoft revealed the Surface during a mystery press event in California. What those in attendance saw was an iPad knock-off that is heavier, boasts shorter batter life and an inferior chip. To be fair, the Surface does have an impressive cover that contains a fully functioning keyboard, but that is an accessory that must be purchased.

Microsoft has two versions of the Surface in the works, each for a very different audience. There’s a “consumer version” that will run Windows RT and a “business version” that will run Windows 8.

Microsoft isn’t saying exactly when the Surface will be available for purchase, or how much it will cost, but experts are predicting the “consumer version” to fall in the $500 price range with the “business version” to come in at over $1,000. The pricier version does have better overall tech specs than its cheaper brother, but that improved performance comes at the cost of weight and, of course, cost.


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Teaching Racism?

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Save the Rhino Day is May 1st!

Did you know that at the Ol Pejeta Game Conservancy, in Kenya, guards are watching 47-year-old Sudan, 24 hours a day?  Sudan is the last male northern white rhino. To make him less attractive to poachers (who kill rhino for their horns), Sudan's horn has been removed....

Be the Kind of Person You Want Your...

If we want gifted kids to be creative, motivated, balanced, socially competent, passionate about learning, then as adults, we have to be the essence of that which we seek. I know it’s a tall order, but if you are preaching to gifted students about using their potential and being innovative, and you are doing the bare minimum to get by as an educator, it simply isn’t going to work.


Using News in the Classroom: "...

A 150,000 year old skeleton of a Neanderthal was not only found inside a was part of the cave! First found in the Lamalunga Cave in southern Italy in ...

How to Teach Social Skills to Gifted...

I am sure you have observed or heard other teachers talk about how gifted students lack social skills.  The stereotype is that they are awkward, withdrawn, aloof, and perhaps lack basic communication skills such as manners or eye contact. Well, in my six years of working with gifted children...

The Global Search for Education:...

Winston Churchill once said, "Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovation, it is a corpse." 


Forget Leaning In, We Need to Dadprove

We’ve all heard the stories. In her book Lean In, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg encouraged women to do everything and anything they can to be the professional successes that they can be, even if it meant sacrificing family. PepsiCo CEO Indra...

Teach Library Facts: April Has National...

Share Library Facts With Students: National Library Day is April 15th; Library of Congress Day is April 24th

ancient athens

