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Microsoft Enters Tablet Market

SurfaceNo, that image to the left is not an iPad surrounded by SmartCovers. That is the Microsoft Surface. Not to be confused with the giant table-sized computer the company released a while ago, the Surface is Microsoft’s entry into the tablet market.

Attempting to take a page out of Apple’s playbook on several levels, Microsoft revealed the Surface during a mystery press event in California. What those in attendance saw was an iPad knock-off that is heavier, boasts shorter batter life and an inferior chip. To be fair, the Surface does have an impressive cover that contains a fully functioning keyboard, but that is an accessory that must be purchased.

Microsoft has two versions of the Surface in the works, each for a very different audience. There’s a “consumer version” that will run Windows RT and a “business version” that will run Windows 8.

Microsoft isn’t saying exactly when the Surface will be available for purchase, or how much it will cost, but experts are predicting the “consumer version” to fall in the $500 price range with the “business version” to come in at over $1,000. The pricier version does have better overall tech specs than its cheaper brother, but that improved performance comes at the cost of weight and, of course, cost.


The Global Search for Education:...

“Apparently, 95% of students (ages 13-19) believe opportunities for more real-world learning would improve their school.” – Josh Schachter

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The Global Search for Education: From...

“This platform provides students with opportunities to exhibit their creativity, problem-solving skills, innovation and entrepreneurial skills.” – Deepti Sawhney

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The Global Search for Education: Stay...

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The co-directors of ...

Teachers: This Country Needs You Now...

It gets in your eyes
It's making you cry
Don't know what to do
Don't know what to do
You're looking for love
Calling heaven above

Send me an angel
Send me an angel
Right now, right now

(“Send Me an Angel” by Real Life)

This blog is essentially a call for help.

It’s a reminder to educators about the massively important role you play in...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Showing Us...

There’s no test that could have prepared us for this. There’s no class. Not set of predetermined answers to study.

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged, supervised, baffled, and scared even the brightest, most-educated, and most talented people on the planet. This unprecedented situation has very clearly and potently shown us what our education system needs to do to prepare individuals for the future, and it’s shown us what’s lacking.

The days of students memorizing facts,...

The Global Search for Education: The...

“As a mother in Mexico says, we learn that no matter who we are or where we’ve been, we are not yet finished.” — Meixi

Established in Mexico in 1997, the Redes de Tutoria educational movement moves away from the traditional school model in which the teacher teaches the curriculum and all the students...

The Global Search for Education: The...

Young people have the power to change the world. 

Coronavirus, climate change, violence, inequality, inclusivity, job automation and democracies in crisis are some of the global challenges they are experiencing in these unprecedented times. How would they solve these problems?

Each month, we ask students all over the...

The Global Search for Education: Is...

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How are schools moving learning online in...

Pandemic Reveals New Possibilities in...

Education has been turned upside down in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Schools across the country have been closed, and students thrust into remote learning. Teachers, in many cases, have had little or no time to really prepare to deliver this different form of instruction.

Parents have also been tasked with helping to guide students, as they juggle their own work from home.

Some education leaders are concerned about students falling far behind in their studies, and...

Things to do with your Child and Family...

With many schools being postponed and even canceled for the rest of the school year, we have been given the gift of time. Even though we are scared, anxious, worried, and impatiently waiting for this to be over, we can go out and do things that we may have put off before this week or said there is no time in our day. I urge you, as an Early Childhood Professional, to use this time wisely. Here are some things you...
