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Blog: Ed Tech Today

Geography Awareness Week - Activities...

  1. A fun way to show our  Globally Interdependent World: ...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Diwali Starts November 6th!

This year, 2018, Diwali or Deepavali, begins on November 6th and lasts for 5 days.

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search For Education –...

Why do teachers become teachers in the first place? Research indicates it’s for a number of reasons, including the variety the job offers, love of their subject or a great experience in their own schooling that inspired them to make a difference in the lives of others. Research also indicates that to improve the...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

King Tut Day is November 4th. Are You...

King Tut Day, yes there really is such a day on the calendar, is celebrated every November 4th. It was on November...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: Small...

“Technical skills alone are not sufficient for students to flourish in today’s world and in the future – a strong foundation of crucial life skills is necessary for students to continuously learn and adapt throughout the course of their lives.” — Donella Rapier

For the third year running, BRAC (the world’s largest NGO founded in 1972) has...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Dessert Before Dinner: An Analogy for...

As a k-12 teacher, I often struggled with how to explain enrichment to elementary students. I also questioned myself over when it was academically appropriate to offer enrichment—that is until I stumbled upon the analogy of dessert before dinner. I don’t even remember where I picked up this analogy but somehow it stuck. It helped me visualize when was the “right” time to provide enrichment activities to students, whether gifted students or other students who happened to master a learning...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Halloween Fun Facts: Interactive...

1. Fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia. Fear of Friday the 13th is...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education:...

“Our goal is not to become a winning team. Our goal is self-development.”  –  Ville Turkka

As automation and artificial intelligence continues to disrupt our workplaces and our societies, experts agree that skills, and particularly social skills, are a critical part of future learning for all youth. Research has...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: How...

“We bring students together who might otherwise remain on opposite sides of a deep historical division.”

– Victoria Mora

Isolation and bigotry appear to be on the rise. How do we develop global citizens with the skills and competencies to empathize with one another?

The United World Colleges (UWC) aims to combat the...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Learn about Pumpkins! Interactive...

1. Pumpkins are thought to have originated in...
