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May, 1998

Kids Love A Mystery

Kids Love A Mystery is part of the MysteryNet Web site. This section was created for Kids Love A Mystery Week (Feb.23-28, 1998). Users will find mystery stories and lesson plans for teaching critical thinking, problem solving, writing, and literature.

The stories are all text but use large typeface suitable for students.

The site can be somewhat confusing to navigate. "Kids Loves A Mystery" is part of the MysteryNet.com Web site, and is also connected to the Learn With Mysteries and Thecase.com sections. It can be difficult to tell which part of the site is on screen.

According to the site, mysteries "get reluctant students enthusiastic about reading, thinking, and writing. Students become involved in what they are reading because they use deductive reasoning and research skills to solve the mystery." Students will enjoy reading mysteries because of the gradual plot development and endings with a twist. Once they become familiar with the genre, many students enjoy writing their own mysteries for fellow students to solve. Teachers can use the enthusiasm as a way to teach critical thinking, problem solving, writing, and literature. The site can be used for Web-based discussions. All sections of the MysteryNet.com Web site are free for educational use. Educators may print materials from the site for use in the classroom. Teachers and students can also sign up to receive mysteries via email. This Web site posts lesson plans and information on using the site to develop higher levels of thinking as outlined in Bloom's Taxonomy. A great resource for English, creative writing, and literature teachers. The information here can also be used for general classroom activities.