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S I T E     R E V I E W
March, 1998

Kids World 2000
GRADE LEVEL: 3-12, Parents & Professionals

This Web site has a large number of Internet resources for children.

The site is very colorful and uses graphics to organize information on the home page. Each page uses the same background and large headings in its layout.

Links are organized in well-marked lists. Each page has a text menu giving users access to every part of the site.

The information here is geared toward children, but families and teachers will value it as well. General topics include "Museums Around the World," "Science Around the World," "Sports Around the World," and "Cities and Countries." There is also information on governments, education, and games. Students will like having a site devoted to themselves, and teachers will have resources for interesting lessons for their students. This is a good place for students who are Internet beginners.