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October 2000

Anthropology on the Internet for K-12
GRADE LEVEL: K-12, Advanced, Professional, Parents

This site, hosted by the John Wesley Powell Library of Anthropology, a branch of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, is a collection of reviewed resources for the study of anthropology.

Set in frames, the site is mostly text with a few graphics and photographs.

Resources are categorized by subject area. Users can navigate the site easily with the left-side navigation menu present on all pages.

Teachers and students involved in the study of anthropology will find this site a great resource. The broad topic is divided into nine major categories: A Career?, Archaeology, Social/cultural Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Linguistics, Area Studies, Museums, Virtual Exhibits, and Electronic Publications. Each has its own set of reviewed and annotated resources, which would be useful to students who are researching information for writing papers. Teachers are sure to find information to complement their subject areas.