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February, 2008

National Sea Grant Library: Digital Libraries
Super site about the seas, with an ocean of teaching resources.
Grade Level: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

The National Sea Grant Digital Libraries offer a wealth of resources for educators on a variety of coastal and marine subjects including oceanography, marine education, aquaculture, fisheries, aquatic nuisance species, coastal hazards, seafood safety, coastal zone management, marine recreation, and law. The collection is housed at the University of Rhode Islands Graduate School of Oceanography
The site is well organized with a simple interface. Users can choose from the list of ten subject categories or use the topical search forms to research a particular topic.

This site provides a wealth of information and resources on marine topics. The subject categories include coastal hazards, diving safety, global warming, harmful algae, marine careers, seafood safety/foodborne illnesses, and, perhaps most interesting to teachers, the education section. The materials cover a broad range of topics and grade levels. Some of the gems here include a resource guide for environmental and marine science teachers, wetland activities, a resource guide for oceanography, and coastal processes: developed for elementary, middle, and high school teachers, The "marinated" classroom: a sourcebook of aquatic activities for the elementary classroom and another for the secondary classroom, water on the web: integrating real-time data into educational curricula over the internet and coastal capers: a marine education primer. Additionally, an Ask the Librarian section is available with answers to some of the more interesting questions they have received and an email link to the librarian in case you have further questions.


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