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March 2004

Mars Exploration Rover Mission
Long way from your classroom to Mars? Not anymore!
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

This content-rich site from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory provides teachers and students as well as the general public everything you ever wanted to know about the Mars Rover Mission.
This well-designed multimedia site includes videos, Webcast, photographs, computer animations, models, and diagrams that make the site engaging. Real Player, QuickTime, and Adobe Acrobat Reader are all necessary for experiencing all the site has to offer.
The site covers a lot of material and does it very well with a set of well-organized links that make navigation through the site easy to follow. There is a top menu bar with the various areas of the site as well as a left side menu for Kids, Students, and Educators that makes it simple to find what you need. A handy site map is available at the bottom of the pages.

Anyone with an interest in space exploration will find something appealing here! The news has been filled with the landing of the twin Mars Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, and the fascinating pictures that have been transmitted back to Earth. This Web site pulls together all the information in one place from the conception of the mission to the launch and landing as well as up to the minute photographs and information about how the mission is progressing. Visitors to the site can find information on the launch vehicle, the spacecraft, the rovers, and the science instruments in the Mission section. The multimedia section offers videos, Webcasts, photographs, computer animations, models and diagrams as well as the Flight Director's Update that brings the mission to life. Educators will find lots of information about the mission and rovers in the features, a free downloadable Mars Activity Book and poster, and a list of lessons and resources to help bring the topic of Mars into your 4th through 12th grade classrooms. A special section just for kids offers games, activities, and articles for learning more about Mars while having fun.


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