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A World (Almanac) of Information!

A world of information at your students' fingertips! No classroom library is complete without a copy of The World Almanac for Kids 1998.

98 Almanac Cover

When is Tiger Woods' birthday? What's the difference between a mountain lion, a puma, and a cougar? (Actually, they're all names for the same large cat.)
Why did photos of Europa, a moon of Jupiter, suggest the possibility of life there?

Want the answers to those questions-and many others?

The World Almanac for Kids 1998 has them!

From key facts about space exploration to when the first dinosaurs appeared on earth, from the United Nations' Web site address to information on U.S. presidents, the The World Almanac for Kids 1998 has it! No wonder Family Fun magazine says that it's "about as close to a single volume guide to everything as you'll ever find." The World Almanac for Kids presents up-to-the-minute information for 8- to 12-year-olds in an easy-to-reference format. No wonder The World Almanac for Kids 1998 is currently (8/97) Number 5 on the Publisher's Weekly Children's Bestseller List/Nonfiction!

The World Almanac for Kids 1998 is produced by the same people who write The World Almanac and Book of Facts, one of the world's most authoritative reference books. The editors have the resources to provide kids with essential, accurate information about their changing world. Each topical section is concise, clearly written, and fully illustrated. This year's edition includes many new puzzles and activities, games and brain teasers, interspersed throughout that encourage kids to use what they've learned. (See a sample page at the end of this article.)

The World Almanac for Kids 1998 features increased coverage of soccer, and it updates information on countries of the world to reflect the most current place names and population figures. The 320-page book also contains 32 pages of full-color maps and flags and more than 700 illustrations in pictures, diagrams, and charts.


In response to the explosion of information available on the Web, pertinent Web addresses -- including the addresses for each of the 50 states -- are provided in many topic sections. The computers section has tips on using the Internet safely, explains how computers work, defines commonly used terms and has a listing of smileys (small pictures, or "emoticons" that are made up of typed letters or symbols) that kids can use when e-mailing friends. This section also includes addresses for kid-centered Web sites like Kidscom and Kids on the Web and a listing of computer museums.

The new facts that fill The World Almanac for Kids 1998 are arranged in a kid-friendly and visually appealing way that's designed to spark kids' interest in learning. Eye catching graphics and simple, clear language make it easy to find out about new things. In addition to having the most current information about the largest and fastest animals, the tallest buildings, planets, stars, space travel, and countries of the world, it includes other annually updated sections that offer baseball, basketball, football, and hockey statistics; the most popular movies, TV shows, and video games for children; and people in the news.

Children will use the The World Almanac for Kids 1998 to do homework, explore new interests, and develop research skills. Parents will find it indispensable as a back-seat companion and travel guide for their kids during long trips. It is a keep-them-entertained resource for games such as license plate bingo (inspired by the full-color reproductions of plates from the United States and Canada on the inside covers),
A sample page from The World Almanac for Kids 1998,
reprinted with permission.

fact-based rounds of twenty questions, and impromptu quizzes about sports and historical figures. Listings of children's museums, ethnic museums, and historic restorations throughout the U.S. provide additional opportunities for enrichment during family vacations and outings.


Use The World Almanac for Kids 1998 to build your students' research and study skills! Click here for an activity on this week's Lesson Planning page that is based on facts found in the almanac.


The World Almanac for Kids 1998, published by World Almanac Books/K-III Reference Corporation, is available now in paperback and hardcover editions priced at $8.95 and $16.95 respectively. Check with your local bookseller.

Article by Gary Hopkins
Education World® Editor-in-Chief
Copyright © 1997 Education World
