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Are you looking for literature to support classroom instruction about Nutrition? Check out Our Editors’ Choices for titles recommended by the Education World team. Then it's your turn to share books that you enjoy or use in your classroom in the Our Readers’ Voices section below. With your help, we will build the best list on the Web of Best Books for teaching about Nutrition.



See related titles in Food, Health

by Lois Ehlert (1994)
"Apple to Zucchini, / come take a look.
/ Start eating your way / through this alphabet book."

So begins this delectable feast of fruits and vegetables, in a diverse and plentiful array. Each turn of the page reveals a mouth-watering arrangement of foods: Indian corn, jalapeno, jicama, kumquat, kiwifruit and kohlrabi. A glossary at the end provides interesting facts about each food. (Board book format.)

by Claire Llewellyn
Boys and girls discover the importance of eating sensibly and keeping to a balanced diet. They learn that good eating habits are important for health and fitness. The books in the Why Should I? series help children discover good answers to common questions. Kids will be attracted by the amusing color illustrations on every page, and parents and teachers will appreciate the note at the back of each book offering further suggestions on answering children's questions.

It's Your Turn!

We've shared a few Editors' Choices for teaching about this theme. Now it's your turn to contribute to the Readers' Voices section below. Do you have a book related to this theme that you and your students enjoy? Just click here to share it!

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Don't miss our Editors’ Choices for Teachers and for Parents. We're waiting for you to add your Readers' Voices there too.

by Edward Miller
Beginning with concise discussions of each of the food groups, Ed Miller looks at all aspects of health and nutrition in this accessible and informative book. Fun facts about different foods are included throughout to keep the reading upbeat and clear distinctions are made between healthy and not-so-healthy meal choices. Readers will learn about nutrients, how to read foods labels, and what it means to count calories. With Edward Miller's clear format, making healthy choices truly becomes easier.

by the editors of Klutz (for ages 5 and up)
Kid's Cooking is a very slightly messy manual for kids and their adult assistants. Over the years, this classic collection of parent-approved recipes has become the favorite cookbook of countless thousands of real kids in real kitchens. It's printed on wipe-clean, glossy pages (on the remote chance that anything gets spilled), and packaged with a set of color-coded measuring spoons.

by Mari C. Schuh
From the table of contents page that pictures a flower made from celery stalks, cherry tomatoes, and carrots, to the introduction of the My Pyramid site provided by the government, this title encourages young readers to eat healthy. Photographs throughout the book show young readers making healthy choices: Mom and son cook together in the kitchen, preparing a salad and snacking on carrots. Mother and daughter share a special time working together in the garden. Two young friends create a vegetable pizza. The text is simple and easy to read. A glossary, index, and helpful Internet pages are included. Part of the Healthy Eating With MyPyramid series.

Add your voice to our list of books for teaching about Nutrition!

The Education World Editors’ Choices above represent just a handful of the fine books that might be used to support classroom instruction about Nutrition. Now we’re waiting for you to add to our list! Simply send us your review of a favorite book in 100 words or fewer and we will add it to the Readers’ Choices below.

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