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Note: This Guided Tour includes Web sites that are best used by secondary school students – grade 7 and up.

What is the capital of Albania? Which country exports the most bananas? Are there more people in Australia or Austria? Which is the poorest NATO nation? Answer those questions and many more at these sites!

CIA World Factbook
The CIA's World Factbook -- one of the top research sites for grades 7-12 -- contains information on the geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues of every country in the world.

Is that not enough for you?

The Factbook ALSO contains a number of reference maps for regions and nations, and a database of national flags. A unique feature of the site is the so-called field listing; users can click any field (such as climate, for example) to get a listing of the information about that field for all the nations of the world. That feature is particularly helpful when comparing one piece of data -- such as climate -- for several nations. Because this is a government resource, any text or graphic from the Factbook can be copied or reproduced; in addition, the entire Factbook is available for free download, making it an excellent resource for a geography class.

BBC's Country Profiles
This amazing site includes detailed information about every country -- and contested territory -- in the world.

Organized by continent, and sometimes by region, each country's profile includes the standard political, economic, and social information. Also included are links to the country's newspaper, radio, and television outlets, links to news articles about the country, a timeline of important national events, and audio of the national anthem.

The site is particularly helpful when researching developing nations in Africa and Asia, places where the BBC has a stronger presence -- and, therefore, more data -- than other organizations.

The United Nation's Infonation
This site from the United Nations' Cyber School Bus doesn't just provide data for a particular country; it also allows users to compare a specific piece of data -- such as population -- for up to six different countries.

In the basic version, which can be used by students in grades 7-12, the user selects up to six countries from a pull down menu and then chooses to compare data about the population, economy, health, technology, or environment of those countries.

Students also can compare a specific statistic within that category -- such as population density or total population. The advanced version of Infonation, best for students in grade 9 and above, also allows users to choose from among specific nation groupings, such as developing nations, NATO countries, and geographical groupings (i.e. Asian nations).

The Library of Congress's Country Studies
This Library of Congress Country Studies series offers a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of countries throughout the world.

Most of the studies are more than 20-30 printable pages long, making this site most appropriate for students in high school and above who are preparing an extensive report on a particular nation. Note that these studies are copyrighted, so they can be used freely, but all were authored between 1988 and 1998, making some information out-of-date. A recent update to the sites suggests, however, that new federal funding might be on the way!

What country exports more bananas than any other? Which nation has the most murders per capita? If you're trying to compare statistics, even about some very particular information, check out

Select several countries (or perhaps an organization such as the member nations of NATO), and then choose to see the top five, bottom five, and so on, in any of 30 different categories. Users can specify what statistic they're looking for and what form they'd like the information displayed in.

Although you have to pay to use parts of this site, all the information can be retrieved in a simple bar graph and map format for free. Be sure to check out the "Top Graphs" link to see what statistics other users are comparing. This easy-to-use site is best for grades 7-12.

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