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Gail Skroback Hennessey taught for over 33 years, teaching sixth grade in all but two years. She earned a BA in early secondary education with a concentration in social studies and an MST in social studies education. In 1988, Gail was named Outstanding Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year by the New York State Council for the Social Studies. In the same year, she received the Outstanding Elementary Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award from the National Council for the Social Studies. Gail has written professionally for Time for Kids, various Scholastic publications, Cobblestone, EducationWorld.com, Boys' Life, Ranger Rick, FACES, Muse and other publications. She currently writes often for Highlights for Children and Jack and Jill Magazine. She also is the author of 35 children's books and 8 books for teachers.
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In 1923~George Mallory was asked~Why do you want to climb Mt. Everest? HIs response~ Because its there. Learn about Mt. Everest~ Nepal and the Yeti with this fun and informative webquest! May 29th~2013(60th anniversary of the first successful climb...
Watch Out for Space Junk!With more and more responsibilities and testing pressures~ current events may be getting pushed into the background in importance. If this is the case~ you can place a news story on the board as you are doing attendance~...
I've posted many different career surveys(they are all free)...check them out at my website for teachers/young people at this link:http://gailhennessey.com/index.shtml?careers.html Here is the latest posting...Peter Kirk~ Chairman of the British...
The invasion of the Giant Snails sounds like a science fiction movie title but in Florida~ it's very real. The giant African land snail has invaded the state and since they have no natural enemies~ the snails are causing quite a problem. As their...
Although I love winter(I am a skier)~ I am SO VERY MUCH looking forward to the return of my beautiful and colorful flowers to return to my gardens. Daffodils are starting to sprout through the surface as are some of my tulips. Color is slowly...
Banning Dodge Ball?A New Hampshire school district has banned the game many of us grew up playing and probably supervised during recess as adults. The school board felt that the game~ which involves human targets~ is not appropriate. Some people are...
In the News-Gustave Whitehead is being credited as having the FIRST successful powered flight in history(Bridgeport~ CT~ on August 14~ 1901)~ two years before the Wright Brothers~ by Jane's All the World's Aircraft. Whitehead's craft~ called the...
What's on YOUR teacher desk?" If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind~ of what~then~ is an empty desk a sign?" Albert EinsteinIf someone came and sat down at YOUR desk~ what would be THREE things on your desk that they would notice?(other...
When I was in China in 2011~ I brought one of the bears a student gave me when I retired. At first I felt a bit self-conscious when I took her out of my backpack to get pics of her at the different sights in China. My tour group eventually started...
Have a great quote that you'd like to share with your students?Many years ago~ Dick's Sporting Goods had a commercial with a quote that I thought really summed things up..."Life is not a Spectator Sport!"I tried to instill that thought with my...
