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It’s called the economy of life-long learning - aka the digital age, aka the fourth industrial revolution. And we’re just at the beginning. Newer and newer technologies are creating accelerating changes impacting the way we live, work,...
So search engine giant Google had this neat idea a few years ago to allow its engineers to spend 20% of their time working on things that really interested them – the goal being to inspire creativity and indirectly increase productivity...
A good life is not one that is free from struggle, but one in which people have the tools to overcome what life throws at them. By that logic, a good parent is one who immerses his child in lots of small, authentic opportunities to navigate and...
“Perhaps the most distressing threat to student well-being is bullying, and it can have serious consequences for the victim, the bully and the bystanders.” — Andreas Schleicher “When disenfranchised youth from the heart of our...
“The divide between ‘refugees welcome’ and ‘refugees not welcome’ seems to be a global phenomenon in which refugees are viewed as outsiders and the public education system is understood as primarily serving national citizens.” —...
“I was exposed to even more sites than I was currently aware of. It was a great place to exchange ideas.”  — Linda Bean A new era of personalized professional development is penetrating New York schools. Online...
C. M. Rubin’s Monthly Global Education Report In her interview with CMRubinWorld this month, Julia Gillard, former Prime Minister of Australia, speaks about the troubling trends in world politics: “We have seen strong anti-...
“Relationships are becoming increasingly self-defining; there has been an explosion in the language used to describe them. People are taking a more active role in the formation of language, whether it be creating the right word for their...
“To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society,” Theodore Roosevelt once said. In his book, Four Dimensional Education: The Competencies Learners need to Succeed, author Charles Fadel notes the three...
“It is not simply enough to pour money into our schools: that money must be demonstrably and successfully put to improving education, including literacy and numeracy standards.” — Julia Gillard Julia Gillard was sworn in as...
