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States were busy throughout 2016 crafting and receiving feedback on their respective plans to adhere to the new regulations dictated by the Every...

The National Center for Science Education's Emily Schoerning has reflected on the group's efforts to provide students with quality science...

The third annual K-12 Survey from the Learning Counsel surveyed 708 U.S. schools and districts to find that while most are spending more on...

The Department of Education has announced its first teacher and school leader grant competition with approximately $159 million of funds...

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel penned an op-ed for The Washington Post this week criticizing President-elect Donald Trump’s education policy...

If anyone was concerned that constantly improving technology might eventually threaten the teaching profession as a whole, Thomas Arnette of the...

Yet another study has linked higher rates of education to health benefits that can potentially lead to a longer life.



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