Many careers require specialized training outside a traditional 4-year higher education institution. These occupations
can be challenging, yet rewarding. Click on the links below to find out more about these career paths.
When I Grow Up
In this lesson plan, students explore their interests and abilities and learn about careers they might pursue. (Grades: 9-12)
Inventors and Inventions
Education World's Great Sites for Teaching About page highlights Web sites to help educators work timely themes into their lessons. In celebration of National Inventors Month, Internet educator Walter McKenzie selected ten sites that are among the best on the Web for teaching about inventors and inventions.
Career Education: Setting Your Students on the Path to a Valued Vocation
"Only rich people can go to college!" That is what one third grader told teacher Heather Root. Now, Root and other educators are emphasizing career education in their classrooms, even at the elementary level. With the resources of the Web as your guide, you too can implement a study of occupations that enlightens, inspires, and encourages your students to succeed! Included: Online resources for screening personality and interest, writing rsums, and the all-important job interview. Lesson plans for teachers too!.
The Great Idea Finder
This site provides a showcase for new ideas and inventions, profiles of inventors, invention facts and trivia, and resources for the inventor. (Grades: 6-12)
Education World Site Reviews: Vocational Education
Listings for vocational education resource Web sites, categorized by topic.
BLS Career Information
This site is an introduction to career guidance information for elementary students from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Not only does their breakdown of Jobs (called "Outlook for Specific Occupations") include the nature of each job, but also employment
conditions, working environment, outlook for the profession, training necessary, earnings statistics, and related occupations.
Enterprise Education
Enterprise Education is about "helping young people make things happen, be creative and find opportunities for themselves. This Web
site supports this purpose, and also supports teachers developing enterprising attributes in students."
Vocational Resources:
Arts & Humanities : Design:
Administration Resources : Education Issues:
Related Links
National Skills Standards Board The NSSB was created by the National Skill Standards Act of 1994 to encourage the creation and adoption of a national system of voluntary skill standards that will enhance the ability of the United States to compete effectively in a global economy. These voluntary skill standards will be developed by industry in full partnership with education, labor, and community-based organizations, and will be flexible, portable, and continuously updated and improved.
Career and Technical Education Week Feb. 11-17, 2001
Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) will provide a how-to promotion kit that you can access on this web site beginning in November. It includes tips on organizing school and community events, proclamation forms for signing by mayors, governors and other officials, and model press releases.
SkillsUSA-VICA is a national organization serving nearly 250,000 high school and college students and professional members who are enrolled in training programs in technical, skilled, and service occupations, including health occupations.