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Displaying Results 61 - 80 of 5149
How to Be Absent: Managing a Substitute Shortage             About 20 years ago, I was stranded in Florida after a quick President’s Day weekend getaway when...
Curriculum Acceleration: Planning the Next 5 Years Students and teachers have had a rough time over the last year or so. Home learning has not been an equal...
How School Stimulus Aid Can Support Accelerated Learning Education is challenging and part of a constantly changing industry. Since March 2020, schools and...
How Teacher Support can Help Bridge the STEM Gender Gap In 2019, the US Census revealed that at least 10.8 million people work in STEM occupations. The...
How Physical Education Teachers are Bringing Technology to the Gym When we think about technology and education, most of us picture computers in classrooms...
10 Best Chrome Extensions for Teachers Remote teaching is here to stay, so why not spice up your Zoom or Google Meet lessons with a few new and innovative...
6 Ways to Support Your Gifted and Talented Students Teachers are keenly aware of the learning process. In fact, it's known as the protege effect. Teaching...
Inventions that Changed America (American History | Grade 6) Subject: American History Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1 Engage effectively in...
Keeping Classrooms Safe Amid Delta: Three Ways to Cope Anybody up for a complicated, anxiety-ridden school year? Here we go again! Just a few months ago,...
Four Comments Teacher Haters Make (And How to Shut Them Down) I cannot even count the number of times it happened. I would be at a party or another social...
Will Covid Kindergarteners Have a Disadvantage? While transitioning to online classrooms during the pandemic was more of a challenge than a nightmare, the...
Can This New Digital Literacy Wave Impact the Classroom? In the last decade, classrooms have undergone many changes, and for most educators, papers and...
Digital and Media Literacy: How Am I Investing My Time? Like many educators teaching and learning online, I am wondering about the amount of time and the...
5 Things Distance Learners Won't Know in the Classroom While planning for a traditional classroom return can help smooth the transition for all, there are...
Why Back to School and Back to Normal Are Not the Same Thing Normal, by definition, refers to the typical, usual, or expected. As humans, we thrive on the...
Teaching Accountability Through Distance Learning Encouraging students to be accountable is crucial to help them complete assignments and improve their...
Digital Skills Teachers Are Learning Through Covid COVID-19 has brought multiple changes in the classroom with digital requirements for online interactions...
Thematic Units - A Highly Effective Way to Engage Learners Have you ever walked into a classroom but felt like you were in the forest, the ocean, outer...
Looking to reach educators with your sponsored article? With over 850K monthly visitors, Education World provides exceptional exposure for your business to...
Just Keep Swimming! Four Vital Teaching Practices As a D.C. area resident, I can really tell when spring has sprung. Not only are the cherry blossoms near...
