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Displaying Results 5021 - 5040 of 5170
Looking at Your Students in the Future Tense //--> //--> This week, educator Brenda Dyck reflects on a night spent watching...
The Best of the Web: Resources for Middle School Educators...
Special Education Inclusion: (Part 2) //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> Making It Work "Successful inclusive...
Back-to-School Tips and Resources for Teachers Could summer break be winding to a close already? Although the calendar still says summer, the first day of...
Virtual High Schools: The High Schools of the Future? Join a class composed of students from different states and countries chatting and...
Six Online Projects Anyone Can Join //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> Looking for something to jump-start students during the post-...
Motivating Kids Tip #19 Change your strategies! If you usually conduct class discussions about a book or view a science filmstrip, try something different...
Motivating Kids Tip #31 //--> //--> Check students' work as they do it. According to Tools for Teaching guru Fred Jones, if you...
A Dozen Articles Every Educator Should Read...
An Education World e-Interview with Sherry Turkle Is Technology Just for Boys? Sherry Turkle, one of the co-chairs...
Time for Wisdom //--> //--> //--> / Laurie Stenehjem, a graduate of North Dakota State University and a teacher with more than 25 years experience,...
Orphan Train: A Social Studies Project that "Clicked" with Students! //--> //--> //--> In search of ways to use technology to add vitality to their...
Rich Henderson's DiaryThe First 180 Days //--> //--> //--> Rich Henderson, a lawyer, always dreamed of being a teacher. Last year, he gave up his...
Professional Development: Following Your Own Lead As schools move full-tilt towards a professional development model more attuned to...
The Italian Adventures of An "Average, Every-Day Teacher" Educator Brenda Dyck shares news of a recent 3-day journey to Rome where she was...
The Italian Adventures of an "Average, Every-Day Teacher" NOVEMBER 19, 2004 -- GLOBAL JUNIOR CHALLENGE: PERCHANCE TO DREAM? The experience of being...
Can We Teach Social Conscience? In this week's Voice of Experience, educator, Brenda Dyck examines whether social conscience is caught or...
Service Projects Help Students Find Their Voices...
About Stephen... and Fresh Starts The promise of a successful year is the hope of every student and teacher. Educator Brenda Dyck shares the...
Fragile in February Each week, an educator takes a stand or shares an Aha! moment in the classroom in the Education World Voice of Experience column....
