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Displaying Results 81 - 100 of 3599
Using Canva to Design Your Lesson Plan Templates Are you stuck in a creative rut when prepping for your classes? Do you dislike the process of creating new...
Classroom Observations While the literature proposes several types of teacher evaluation frameworks, classroom observation remains one of the primary...
Unfinished Business: Alternative Strategies for Remedial Learning Did you know that 1 in 4 students enroll in remedial coursework in their first year of...
6 Ways to Support Your Gifted and Talented Students Teachers are keenly aware of the learning process. In fact, it's known as the protege effect. Teaching...
How to Plan for Recovery (Part 3 of 3) We all have regrets about the paths we never took. In my case, I have always felt as though I missed out on pushing...
Four Essential Components ALL Classes Need to Function Well            As professionals who make approximately 1,500 decisions per day, so many teachers...
Making Playdough Lesson Brief Description: Using various materials and resources to make playdough, Pre-K students ages 4-5 will explore the properties of...
Can I use interactive worksheets to beat busywork? Worksheets get a bad rap in today’s classroom. They often immediately get labeled as busywork and students...
Saying No to Summer Reading The summer between my sophomore and junior year of high school is memorable because those two glorious, sunny months were marred...
Summer School Survival: Six Tips and Tricks             The school year may be winding down, but every ending is just a new beginning. Believe it or not, it’...
Extreme Test Makeover: Assessment Overhauls From teacher preparation programs to in-school professional development, a common topic is assessments and data-...
Getting Answers: Seven Questions All Teachers Have In life, we accept that some questions just don’t have clear answers. Why are we here? Do we have to pick...
Data That Matters:  Pandemic Recovery Ideas Recently, my seventh-grader took a math skills test and came home triumphant as he shared the results. “Guess...
Teaching Accountability Through Distance Learning Encouraging students to be accountable is crucial to help them complete assignments and improve their...
Digital Skills Teachers Are Learning Through Covid COVID-19 has brought multiple changes in the classroom with digital requirements for online interactions...
Three Reasons Tracking Kids is Wrong (And How to Start Making a Change)     As I sent my kids off to school the other day, I noticed that my daughter was...
Aligning Goals, Objectives and Standards in Lesson Plans When developing lesson plans and curriculum, you often hear educators talk about making sure things...
Empowering Readers: A Quick How-To Every Friday night, a calm descends over my house. We eat dinner as a family and once dishes are cleared, everyone grabs...
Just Keep Swimming! Four Vital Teaching Practices As a D.C. area resident, I can really tell when spring has sprung. Not only are the cherry blossoms near...
The Rise of Flipped Classroom Learning During Covid-19 Although Covid-19 has impacted the world in so many ways, it has also laid the foundations for an...
