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Providing Internet Access to All Students at Home

The internet has revolutionized communication, entertainment, and learning. For students, it has opened up a new world of learning. Thanks to the internet, students worldwide can access resources to help them study and excel in school.

However, there are two sides to any coin. Along with the benefits, many disadvantages come with the internet. Suppose school administrators and parents provide unfettered internet access to students. In that case, it can sometimes do the opposite and result in a drop in grades and a general loss of motivation to spend time studying.

Let's explore some of the most common advantages and disadvantages of providing internet access to students at home.

Benefits of Internet Access for Students

Internet access has proved to be quite advantageous to students. A lot of good has come from this ever-evolving technology. These are some of the top benefits that providing internet access will give your students:

Access to Information

The internet is a great resource for students to find the information that they need to study and for school reports. You can find information on every subject by using a simple search engine.


Thanks to various apps, students can stay in touch with each other and their teachers 24/7. Teachers who need to send information quickly can log in and contact their students via the correct forums.


Everyone loves to unwind after a long day spent studying. The entertainment options on the internet are endless. From podcasts to vlogs and online gaming platforms, it's no surprise most people use the internet daily. However, this has to be done in moderation.

Disadvantages of Internet Access for Students

While the internet has many benefits, there is a dark side to the internet, which, if it goes unchecked, can have lasting negative effects. Some of the disadvantages that providing internet access to students can bring include the following:


The internet can be extremely addictive. Students can get hooked on online gaming or social media apps and neglect their studies. The temptation to do something entertaining overrides the need to study, leading to poor academic performance.

Antisocial Behavior

Students tend to keep to themselves when they get addicted to the internet. This antisocial behavior could lead to them pulling away from social activities such as sports and even affect communication skills.

The internet can also encourage bullying. Whether among classmates or other online peers, teaching your students about the damage online bullying can cause is ideal. And can potentially save a child's life.

Increased Vulgarity

It is easy for children to access adult content such as pornography or r-rated movies. Such content exposes students to vulgar language and behavior, which can appear in their interactions. While most websites have an age limit, many children can easily breach this barrier since the restrictions are quite flimsy.

How to Make the Most of Internet Access for Students

The internet is a part of our everyday life, it'd be hard to imagine life without it, and it probably isn't going anywhere soon. So how do we reap the benefits of the internet for students? And how do we avoid the negative effects it has?

For one, consider using parental control tools to limit the amount of time children can spend online. Additionally, parental controls can restrict the kind of sites that students can access. While they may not work 100% to filter out adult content, they're a good start.

Also, having open conversations with students will go a long way in keeping them away from the worst of the internet. By being open about harmful sites and content, students will find investigating inappropriate content a waste of time.

Another smart hack is keeping devices out of the bedrooms and encouraging kids to use them in a more communal space like the living room or dining area. This way, the temptation to visit the wrong sites or gaming sites during study time will be greatly reduced.

Measured and Monitored Internet Access May be Good for Students

The internet is a valuable addition to the lives of students. It's a great collaboration tool for joint school projects; it provides a platform for social interaction and online learning. These benefits shouldn't be overlooked just because the internet has a few drawbacks.

By providing measured and monitored internet access to students, students can improve their studies and prepare for the world outside of school.

Written by Dorcus Mbugua
Education World Contributor
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