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Lesson Plan: Migration (Math - Grade K)

math lesson

Subject:  Math

Grade: K

Lesson Objective: To compare two groups of objects

Common Core Standard:  CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.C.6- Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.




  • How do you compare two groups of objects?  (Allow the students to answer.)



  • We compare two groups of objects by first figuring out how many objects are in each group.  We can do this by pointing to each object in the group and counting it.
  • Once you know how many objects are in each group, then you can compare them.
  • The group with the number of objects in it that is bigger is the group with the greater number of objects.
  • The group with the number of objects in it that is smaller is the group with less objects than the other group.
  • For example, (draw two groups of objects on the board- one group with 4 and one group with 6) I have two groups of objects.  Let’s count to see how many circles are in the first group.  There are 4.  Now, let’s count to see how many circles are in the second group.  There are 6.
  • Which number is bigger, 4 or 6?  That’s right, 6 is bigger than 4.  That means that there are a greater number of objects in the group with 6 circles. 
  • When comparing, you are usually asked which is greater than or less than.  Greater than means the bigger number and less than means the smaller number.
  • Today, you are going to be comparing groups of objects to figure out which group is greater than or less than the other group.
  • I am going to give you a worksheet that has two groups of animals that migrate.  You are going to compare those two groups. 
  • After you figure out how many animals are in each group, you will need to circle the group that answers the question.  Some questions will ask you which group is greater than the other group and some questions will ask you which group is less than the other group.
  • Does anyone have any questions?



  • Who would like to share your answers?  (Allow the students to share.)

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Written by Kimberly Greacen, Education World® Contributing Writer

Kimberly is an educator with extensive experience in curriculum writing and developing instructional materials to align with Common Core State Standards and Bloom's Taxonomy.

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