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Data might feel like a dirty word because it comes with a stigma. Being doubtful of data bias is natural, but for teachers, disregarding the validity of everything we learn about student performance can get in the way of achieving growth measures....
If you're looking for new ways to teach U.S. Government units, we’ve got your social studies class covered. Join in as we review the six themes that...
Let's look at the six must-ask questions in your teaching interview.
Your first year teaching at a new school can be an enriching experience
Let's dive into a few strategies to assist you in navigating and resolving those parent-teacher differences.
Today, we’re walking you through six strategies that can help keep distracting students occupied, so you have time to give individual attention to...
STEAM experiences involve two or more standards from Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and the Arts to be taught AND assessed in and through each...
Project-based learning allows students to learn new skills such as; problem-solving, collaboration skills, and expressing themselves and ideas in...
Educators craft learning content to create engagement through experiential learning, initiate deep connections with course material and promote...
Teachers have needed to be increasingly creative in retaining their students' interests. Over time, however, technology and education have been...