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Gail Skroback Hennessey taught for over 33 years, teaching sixth grade in all but two years. She earned a BA in early secondary education with a concentration in social studies and an MST in social...
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Are you Ready for Save the Rhino Day?(May 1st)

Save the Rhino Day is May 1st!

Did you know that at the Ol Pejeta Game Conservancy, in Kenya, guards are watching 47-year-old Sudan, 24 hours a day?  Sudan is the last male northern white rhino. To make him less attractive to poachers (who kill rhino for their horns), Sudan's horn has been removed. Living with two (of the four remaining) white rhino females, it is hoped that there still may be a baby rhino at the conservancy. To date, this has not happened.

Share the following information with kids.

A crash is what you call a group of rhino

A Black rhino can run up to 40 mph...on its toes!

About 50 pounds of manure is produced by an adult white rhino EVERY day.

A white rhino isn't really WHITE. It's name comes from an Afrikaans word meaning wide (for its mouth). The word is wyd. White rhinos are really grey.

A black rhino isn't really BLACK. Also a grey/brownish color, it got its name for the dark wet mud that they often have covering their bodies.

Did you know that a rhino is a relative of the zebra, tapirs and horse?

The word rhinoceros comes from the Greek words--rhino (nose) and ceros (horn).

After the elephant, the white rhino is the largest land mammal. A white rhino can weigh up to 5,000 pounds.  

Eating only plants, a rhino is a HERBIVORE.

The horn of a rhino is not ivory but keratin, a material found in fingernails.

Rhinos have VERY bad eyesight! They do have great hearing and a great sense of smell.

Rhino have wandered the earth for over 50 million years and haven't changed much in their appearance.

Did you know that there are 5 species of rhino? (White, Black, Javan, Sumatran, Indian)

Use a world map and have students locate the areas of the world where rhinos live in the wild. (Rhino can be found in Africa countries including South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Tanzania,Kenya and Uganda. They can be found in  India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma, Nepal and Vietnam. Rhinos are found on the island of Java. There may still be rhino in  Sumatra and Borneo.

Write a Day in the Life of a rhino. What did you do? What did you see? Feel? Smell?

Read a story about a rhino

Read an interview with a Rhino ranger/keeper:  and Pretend you work with rhinos and write a diary, including 3 facts learned about rhino.

Make a poster and share 3 facts about the rhino to create awareness for Save the Rhino Day!

Try my webquest on the Rhino.
