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After 43 years in my chosen profession, I remain excited, alive, and learning! From an active Twitter Account to blogging, from teaching Constitutional Law to Pre-AP English, from a national winner...
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Enrichment: Twitter Manners

  1. Manners always matter; they help us negotiate complex and simple relationships. Manners serve as the guardrails for society. The internet too has guardrails to keep us from falling into trouble. In a recent infographic by Donna Queza~ ( the following simple and essential Twitter Manners were highlighted for us to share with our students.
  2. 1. Don't ignore someone when he/she talks about you-even if it uncomplimentary.
  3. Think of Twitter as a telephone conversation; would you hang-up on people when they call to complain?
  4. 2. If you say something to someone on Twitter and she/he answers~ you are now in a conversation. Please~ don't ignore the person.
  5. Think of Twitter as a telephone conversation; would you hang up on a person who answers the telephone call before it went to voicemail?
  6. 3. Don't ask random questions that have nothing to do with anything.
  7. Think of Twitter as a telephone conversation; would you ask a random question in the middle of a pointed conversation?
  8. 4. Use auto responders and automated messages sparingly.
  9. Think of Twitter as a telephone conversation; voicemail might handle calls when you are out of the office but don't you have to call-back eventually?
  10. 5. Stop yelling at people.
  11. Think of Twitter as a telephone conversation; typing in all capitals is like yelling; do you need to yell all the time?
  12. 6. When someone says something positive or shares your message~ say thank you!
  13. Think of Twitter as a telephone conversation; don't you always say "please~" and "thank you"?