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After 43 years in my chosen profession, I remain excited, alive, and learning! From an active Twitter Account to blogging, from teaching Constitutional Law to Pre-AP English, from a national winner...
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Technology: Twitter Extension-Communication is the Key

  1. Technology is something we clearly want our students to know how to use extensively and responsibly. However~ I am discovering lately that more and more young students are unable to use social media wisely. In a recent conversation in my Constitutional Law class~ I realized that the most media savvy generation in the world may need teacher guidance on the use of Twitter. More than a social media for the exchange for personal opinions and silly gossip~ we as their teachers need to use Twitter to extend the classroom activities from reading international newspapers~ to following the Supreme Court. Communication is the key!
  2. Using Twitter to follow headline news is a great way to compare points of view from Cairo~ New Delhi~ Taipei~ Perth~ San Salvador~ Athens~ Paris~Jerusalem~ Paris~ New York~ Chicago~ Denver and San Francisco. Using newspaper "follows" as part of the daily routine in a class~ allows the teacher to ask students about key headlines around the world. Helping students reach beyond living room local news can stretch the quality of conversation and increase interactions. In addition~ Twitter follows is a method to help students discuss world view opinions and see the application of Twitter as an educational tool. As their teachers~ we need to model our use of Twitter as a life-long learning tool.