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Some things you should know about ESSA before August.
Wearable technologies are predicted to expand in classrooms by almost 50 percent over just a four-year period.
Most of the educators involved in shaping New Orleans' school reform are white despite overseeing one of the most diverse student populations in the country, leading to demands for change.
A new study suggests high school grade point averages should out-weight college entrance exams in remedial course placement.
Inside a school where standardized test scores cannot possibly define improvement and success.
The U.S. Department of Education has released a mass dump of civil rights data that has substantiated the education community's growing concerns.
A new performance-based assessment developed by one innovative elementary school in New York is an example of the direction standardized tests might go in after ESSA implementation.
Weigh-in on the issue of testing lead levels frequently in the nation's schools.
Learn about how this first-grade teacher became an edtech guru in three years' time.
Washington State's latest update to its health standards include a guidance to embrace teaching gender fluidity to young learners.
A majority of thousands of educators and administrators surveyed believe that collecting data on students' behavioral needs should be a priority.
Further analysis of the recent release of data from the U.S. Department Education has revealed that students with disabled are more likely to be disciplined, absent.
Find out how to download the education version of Minecraft here.
An interesting study from an Australian task force comprised of education experts has found that the country’s teachers aren’t all on board to teach Science, Technology, Math and Engineering.
For years, teachers in Buffalo, NY have been able to give the city a bill for plastic surgery costs.
With these tips you can go from someone in doubt about your career path to a recommitted educator ready to tackle your next class.
A new survey compares Common Core Standards to what college instructors and workplace supervisors actually expect from students.
Are you for or against active furniture in classrooms?
A joint statement from an education equality coalition urges charter schools to serve as an example for including students with disabilities.
As the population of homeless students rises, advocates are hopeful that the Every Student Succeeds Act will inspire necessary changes to how schools provide support.
