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2-Syllable Adjective Contest


Arts & Humanities
--Language Arts



Brief Description

Plan a contest to reinforce parts of speech and syllables. Contest form provided.


Students will

  • use their reading, spelling lists, and dictionaries to create a list of 2-syllable adjectives.
  • keep track of their 2-syllable adjective totals over the contest period.


contest, adjective, noun, verb, adverb, dictionary, syllables

Materials Needed

Lesson Plan

About the Activity

  • This activity engages students as they practice using their dictionaries; and it reinforces their knowledge of parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives) and syllables.
  • The activity can extend over a period of time -- a week or two weeks, for example. Time can be set aside in school for the activity (for example, 30 minutes a day). Students can use any in-school free time for the activity, too. In addition, you might elect to let students continue the activity at home.
  • The contest" aspect of the activity can be a real motivator!

Introduce the Contest
Choose a theme" for the contest. For this sample contest lesson, we have chosen 2-Syllable Adjectives as our theme.

Provide for each student with a copy of the printable contest entry page. Have students fill in the blanks at the top of the page with the current contest theme, for example:

The 2-Syllable Adjective Contest
This printable page will serve as the students record sheet. Over the course of the contest, students will record each 2-syllable adjective they come across in their reading, on their spelling lists, anywhere. That might include time spent searching the dictionary for additional 2-syllable adjectives!

If a student fills up an entry sheet with 60 2-syllable adjectives, s/he can take an additional sheet(s). At the bottom of each page, they tally their current score.

At the bottom of page 1 they should record a score of 60.
At the bottom of page 2 they should record a score of 120.
And so on
At the end of the contest period, the student who has found the most 2-syllable adjectives is the winner.
Of course, the winners entries must be verified to meet the criteria; all words on the entry forms must be adjectives and they must be 2 syllables.

Perhaps the winner can take home a prize: a new dictionary!

Adapt the Lesson
You might use this lesson a few times throughout the school year. Each time, you will want to change the theme. Other contest themes might include

  • 2-Syllable Nouns
  • 3-Syllable Adverbs
  • 1-Syllable Verbs
  • 3-Syllable Adjectives
  • 4-Syllable Nouns


Verify that students lists meet the part-of-speech criteria and have the correct number of syllables.

Lesson Plan Source

Submitted By

Gary Hopkins

National Standards

NL-ENG.K-12.3 Evaluation Strategies
NL-ENG.K-12.6 Applying Knowledge
NL-ENG.K-12.7 Evaluating Data
NL-ENG.K-12.8 Developing Research Skills
NL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills

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