Brief Description
A weekly writing assignment results in a year-end volume of work that documents students’ writing progress.
writing, journal
Lesson Plan
This activity can be done from time to time, or it might be a weekly activity (perhaps a homework activity) that lasts all year long. If you use this as a yearlong activity, you might save the work students do each week and bind it into a special keepsake book to present to them at the end of the year. That bound volume will serve as proof of students' improvement in writing skills over the year.
The activity is a simple one
Each week, students write a paragraph (older students might write more)
titled, for example, The Week That Was: September 12-16, 2005.
Students might write about something special that happened during the
week, something they learned, something they did, something that a parent
did, something they want to remember You can give students free range
for topic choice, or you might assign a topic for writing.
Additional Thoughts and Resources
If you use this assignment occasionally, assess students’ work based on whether or not they met grade-level writing standards. If you use this assignment as a yearlong activity, the bound volume will serve as documentation of students’ writing growth.
Lesson Plan Source
EducationWorld.comSubmitted By
Gary Hopkins
National Standards
NL-ENG.K-12.7 Evaluating Data
NL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills
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Copyright © Education World
Updated 07/19/2010