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Life in Nagano City

DIRECTIONS: Take a look on the Internet at There you will find some statistics about life in Nagano City, the capital of Nagano, Japan. (Nagano is the host of the 1998 Winter Olympic Games.) Use those statistics to answer each of the questions below. Do your math on the back of this page.

1. How many marriages occur in Nagano City on an average day? _____ At that rate, how many couples will get married this month in Nagano City? (Note: February has 28 days.) ______________

2. On an average day, how many new residents move into Nagano City? ___________ At that rate, how many new residents will move into Nagano City this month? ______________

3. How many babies are born on an average day in Nagano City? _____ At that rate, how many babies would be born in an average week? ____________

4. How many people ride the bus in Nagano City on an average day? __________ At that rate, how many people will ride on a bus in the next three days? ____________

5. How many tons of garbage are thrown out on an average day in Nagano City? _________ At that rate, how many tons of garbage will be thrown out in a week? _______________


Fact: In Nagano City, there is a doctor for every 440 people.
Fact: Nagano City is home to 2,200,000 people.
Question: About how many doctors are there in Nagano City? ___________

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