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How Long Does It Take Food to Spoil?

DIRECTIONS: Use the following Internet links to help you answer the questions below.

1. How long will apples keep in a refrigerator without spoiling? ________________

2. Which will stay safe longer in a refrigerator --- melons or grapes? ____________

3. How long will fresh eggs stay fresh in a refrigerator? ___________________

4. Which will keep safe longer --- egg salad or a hard-boiled (hard-cooked) egg?____________________

5. How long will an open container of milk stay safe in a refrigerator? _________

6. Which will stay safe longer --- yogurt or sour cream? ____________________

7. How long will raw ground meat stay safe in a refrigerator? __________________

8. Which keeps safe longer --- cold cuts or bacon? _________________________

9. How long will broccoli stay safe in a refrigerator? _______________________

10. Which will stay safe longer --- carrots or corn? _________________________

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