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Doing Math the Roman Way

DIRECTIONS: Solve the following math problems. The only difference between these problems and those you are used to solving is that these problems use Roman numerals instead of Arabic numerals. Write your answers as Roman numerals.

1.     XIV
      + VII =

2.     IX
      - VII =

3.     XVI
      - IV =

4.    XXII
     + XIII =

5.    XXXVI
       - XXX =

6.    LXX
    + XXX =

7.    XL
     - IX =

8.    CLX
    + XXII =

9.   C
   - XL =

10.   CCCLVI
     + CXXVIII =


DIRECTIONS: Make up two new Roman numeral math problems for a classmate to solve.

1.        # # #
  + or - # # # =

2.        # # #
  + or - # # # =

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