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DIRECTIONS: Directions: Read the statements below. Circle the word agree next to each statement that matches your opinion of what makes a hero. Circle the word disagree if the statement does not fit your opinion of what makes a hero.

  1. A hero is brave and strong. Agree Disagree
  2. A hero is caring and thoughtful. Agree Disagree
  3. A hero is selfish. Agree Disagree
  4. A hero is never frightened. Agree Disagree
  5. A hero wants to be rewarded for his or her actions. Agree Disagree
  6. A hero makes mistakes. Agree        Disagree     
  7. A hero is never silly. Agree Disagree
  8. A hero is dishonest. Agree Disagree
  9. A hero puts others before himself or herself. Agree Disagree
10. A hero stands up for himself or herself. Agree Disagree
11. A hero never gets angry. Agree Disagree
12. A hero is always a popular person. Agree Disagree

Use your own words to finish the sentence below.

In my opinion, a hero is someone who:

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