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Holiday Geography!

DIRECTIONS: Does the town or city you live in or near have a name that is perfect for the holidays? Many places in the United States have names people associate with seasons. Follow the directions below to read about and find a few of these cities on a map.

Print a copy of the United States outline map:
The United States

Use the Web sites for help locating each of the cities listed below. Mark the locations on your copy of the map.


Microsoft Expedia Maps (click Maps)


Bethlehem, Georgia (GA)
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (PA)
Bethlehem, West Virginia (WV)
Jolly, Texas (TX)
Merryville, Louisiana (LA)
Noel, Missouri (MO)
North Pole, Alaska (AK)
Rudolph, Wisconsin (WI)
Santa Claus, Georgia (GA)
Santa Claus, Indiana (IN)

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