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How Big Is Your Heart?

DIRECTIONS: Read Dr. Seuss's story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, to students. Fold this paper in half. Then turn the paper over. On the left side of the paper, draw a picture of the Grinch at the beginning of the story. Be sure to show the size of his heart. On the right side of the page, draw a picture of the Grinch at the end of the story. How big is his heart now?

Think about you. If you drew a picture of yourself right now, how big would your heart be? When you have done something for someone else, like washing dishes for your mom or dad or giving something you made for a birthday gift, how has it made you feel? Did you feel like your heart was bigger? On the lines below, tell about one thing that you do that warms your heart or makes it feel great big!


















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