4 Practically indestructible when moved around in normal use Dazzling. Layout, scale, detail, variety, colors, shapes and textures are striking and consistent. Outstanding. Model elements are perfectly aligned with design portfolio pictures and descriptions. Exceptional. Eight or more attractions completely and accurately show aspects of the digestive system. Stunning. Each attraction is depicted in rich, colorful and striking detail. Portfolio is done with outstanding precision. Superior. Descriptions of all attractions are richly detailed and leave no doubt about their purpose. Extraordinary. Scientific aspects of digestion are completely accurate and precisely explained for all attractions.
3 Sturdy. Holds together well in normal use. Eye-catching. Layout, scale, detail, variety, colors, shapes and textures are impressive. Satisfactory. Most elements correspond accurately with portfolio pictures and descriptions. Appropriate. Six or more attractions completely and accurately show aspects of the digestive system. Suitable. At least six attractions are shown in rich, colorful and striking detail. Portfolio is done with precision. Adequate. Most descriptions of attractions are detailed and clear as to their purposes. Satisfactory. Scientific aspects of digestion are completely accurate and precisely explained for at least six attractions.
2 Somewhat flimsy. Some parts do not hold up well. Pleasing. Many artistic elements are noteworthy. Acceptable. Elements are more often than not aligned with portfolio pictures and descriptions. Somewhat adequate. At least four attractions accurately show aspects of the digestive system. Somewhat suitable. At least four attractions are shown in rich, colorful and striking detail. Portfolio shows some precision. Mostly satisfactory. At least half of the descriptions are detailed and clear. Mostly adequate. Scientific aspects of digestion are completely accurate and precisely explained for at least half of the attractions.
1 Falls apart easily. Unappealing. Few artistic elements are significant. Unacceptable. Model elements have little or no correspondence with portfolio descriptions and pictures. Inadequate. Less than four attractions accurately show aspects of the digestive system. Deficient. Less than four attractions are shown in neat, colorful and striking detail. Portfolio shows little precision. Unsatisfactory. Less than half of the descriptions are detailed and clear. Insufficient. Scientific aspects of digestion are completely accurate and precisely explained for less than half of the attractions.
0 No model constructed and submitted. No model constructed and submitted. No model constructed and submitted. No model constructed and submitted. Portfolio and Illustrations lack so much as to be useless. Descriptions lack so much as to be essentially useless. Scientific aspects are mostly inaccurate and unexplained.

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