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Fund-Raiser for Earth Day

Subject: Language Arts, Math, Science
Grade: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Brief Description

Students hold a fund-raising activity to raise money to buy seeds, plants, or tree seedlings to beautify school grounds.



  • define the word fund-raiser.
  • choose the seeds and plants they want to put in the schoolyard.
  • research the costs for the seeds and plants.
  • choose and organize a fund-raising activity.
  • work together in a cooperative group.


Earth day, fund-raiser, seeds, trees, plants, environment

Materials Needed


Lesson Plan

This project should be completed over several lessons. The teacher decides the length of time needed to complete the project; the length of the project depends on the ages and abilities of the students. You may want to ask parents or members of your school's PTA/PTO for assistance on this project.

Lesson 1

  • Discuss the meaning of the word fund-raiser and different types of fund-raising activities. Write students' ideas on the board. Ideas might include a bake sale, a used book sale, or a walk-a-thon.
  • Tell students that they are going to hold a fund-raiser to raise money to buy plants and/or a tree to be planted on school grounds. Discuss different types of plants and/or trees to consider.
  • Have students use library or online sources to research information about the plants they are considering. Two suggested sites:
    National Arbor Day Foundation
    The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Clearinghouse
  • Have students research costs for plants, seeds, and gardening utensils, such as shovels or watering cans. Let students determine how much money they need to raise for the project.

Lesson 2

  • Let students choose the type of fund-raising activity they want to sponsor. Help students plan the fund-raiser. For older students, organize the class into groups to plan and organize the fund-raiser.
  • Solicit assistance from parents and/or school staff.

Lesson 3

  • Hold the fund-raiser. Let students count the money they raise.
  • Have students determine whether they have enough to buy the plants and seeds. If there is a surplus, let students determine how to spend the money.

Lesson 4

Purchase the plants and seeds.

Lesson 5

Hold a gardening party to plant the seeds and plants. Enjoy the fun!


Evaluate students' participation in the project.

Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted By

Lois Lewis

National Standards

Language Arts:



Originally published 04/09/2001
Links last updated 04/10/2007