50 Signs Your School Is a Great School!
With so much emphasis on failing schools, Education World thought this would be an appropriate time to focus on the good news in our schools. So we invited our Principal Files principals to share the great things that are happening in their schools -- and share they did! Included: The opportunity to add your school's great ideas to the list!
It seems the six o'clock news is full of bad news about our world and our schools. That's why we decided to focus this month's Principal Files Principals question on good news. We asked our P-Files team members to carry a small sheet of paper with them throughout a recent school week. We gave them a single, simple direction: "When you see something that warms your heart, when you see something that makes you say 'Yep, we do good here!' or 'Yes, this is a great place!', write it down!"
We got dozens of notes from our principals -- notes about the good things, large and small, that are happening every day in our schools.
Today, we are pleased to share "50 Signs Your School Is a Great School"!