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As teachers, we might feel as though we are using our voices a lot; however, that doesn’t mean that we feel heard or appreciated. Ultimately, education is about sharing knowledge to benefit the practice of those around us, and to have a productive...
Leaders who display these six traits have a higher likelihood of moving their schools toward meaningful growth from one year to the next.
Here’s a unique take on how to bring these skills in the classroom, with specific, actionable ideas for educators like you.
Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the major systems of the human body, describe the function of each system, and...
Students will understand the major pathways of circulation in the human body. They will identify and describe the functions of the heart, blood...
This Thanksgiving, it might be difficult for many of us who work in education to feel gratitude for several aspects that influence the work we do, but...
As teachers, we might feel as though we are using our voices a lot; however, that doesn’t mean that we feel heard or appreciated. Ultimately,...
Pick between two seasons, and then practice your handwriting while you write your answer.
First, trace and then read these sight word sentences.
Write a story based on the pictures.
By the end of this lesson, your students will be able to understand the basic properties of minerals. They will identify minerals based on their...