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Morning meetings have been a cornerstone of K-12 education longer than criss-cross-apple-sauce. They’re an opportunity for connection and set a positive tone for the day. However, the changing dynamics of classrooms in 2025 might call for a...
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: identify characters in the song lyrics, determine the character roles, evaluate character...
Hibernation Lesson Plan Objective: To use addition and subtraction to solve word problems regarding hibernation.
Paul Revere is sent to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the British were coming! Find the mistakes in this fun activity....
By the end of the lesson, students will recognize patterns in factors, differentiate between prime and composite numbers, and connect factoring to...
When we track students into different groups based upon perceived ability, we are reinforcing a set of beliefs that is destructive to children.
10 ideas to help you gain and keep your students attention without having to raise your voice.
No one enjoys dealing with problem students, but the biggest part of the problem is the title educators assign them - "problem." We shouldn't approach...
Here are four ways to not only make students aware of what a growth mindset is, but to also ensure that we reinforce the approach through our teaching...
Annotating text forges network pathways in the brain to store and retrieve information. The stronger the pathways, the stronger the memory, and the...
Students will understand the causes and key figures of the Reformation, including Martin Luther. They will analyze how the Reformation challenged the...