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Morning meetings have been a cornerstone of K-12 education longer than criss-cross-apple-sauce. They’re an opportunity for connection and set a positive tone for the day. However, the changing dynamics of classrooms in 2025 might call for a...
Studies show that listening to background music while working causes listeners to reduce their level of stress and anxiety so you may want to consider...
Tisha's picture
12 reasons why Centers are an important part of a classroom environment!
Snowflakes Math Lesson Objective: To use addition and subtraction to solve word problems
This charming K-6 lesson creates a safe environment in which students can identify and share their feelings.
The more exposure students have to newspapers and the internet, the more likely they are to be interested in learning and reading more about current...
As a new teacher, you will most likely have an empty classroom when you start. It's important to have an environment in which your students feel...
We might have all just had a relaxing break, but there’s a marathon ahead. Being prepared to do our best work while remaining healthy does not...
Gail S Hennessey's picture
Did you Know that the only non-president to be honored with a national holiday is Martin Luther King? Only George Washington and Martin Luther King...
Every-Day Edits: Ellis Island. Build grammar skills using this activity and answer key for an article about this famous stretch of land.
Teaching is rewarding, inspiring, and fulfilling. However, the discomfort that accompanies the profession cannot be brushed aside or discounted. For...