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Dr. Les Potter has over 53 years in education in the US and Egypt with 45 years in school and university administration. Currently Les is retired from full time employment but is a consultant at Core...
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Revitalizing After Retirement

I had been retired for about 18 months and not enjoying myself. My wife would travel to go to work and leave me alone with a TV and my two dogs. This was certainly not how I wanted to spend my “golden years”. After working over 51 years in education in the United States and Egypt I had few plans on how best spend my idle hours. Frankly, I was bored and frustrated. 

Fortunately very close to my house they were building a new school. I decided to look into this possible opportunity. This school called Core West College would be opening in September and were still in the process of building. They were literally starting from scratch. I walked in with resume in hand and met with several excellent consultants, experienced administrators and a very personable school owner. All I wanted was a chance to help this fledgling school.  As an experienced educator I thought I might have something to contribute. I was pleasantly surprised how well my request to volunteer and assist at this newly established school. The school will be a K-12 one with curriculum in Egyptian, British and English. Very interesting combination but not that unusual.

I am busy working on a number of issues such as the hiring of all teachers and staff, evaluating teacher demonstration lessons, marketing the schools, working on newsletters that go out to parents, giving talks to parents, etc.

Retired educators have a lot to offer fellow educators and in these difficult times I think most smart administrators would welcome the assistance.

As a retired educator, I felt useless and bored sitting at home but I found out that there is a place for me again helping at a school. I would recommend to any retired educator to go back to the school of your choice and volunteer in any capacity that is agreeable to you and the school. I have not had so much fun without the pressures of a job in years!  I feel like now I have a purpose and a sense of direction in my later years. I am not dealing with upset parents, unhappy students, budgets, or the day to day operation of the school.

I certainly want to thank our very generous owner, very capable administrators as well as the hard working team at Core West College for giving me joy of education once again!

Dr. Les Potter
Core West College
Sheikh Zayed Cairo Egypt