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The resources presented in this section are oriented to helping you gain an understanding of the assessments used to determine the type and extent of a student's exceptionality, and ways that students with disabilities are being accommodated in mainstream assessment settings.


Assessment & Early Intervention
This page in the Early Childhood Community provides resources to help educators to assess students for early intervention services for disabilities or "at-risk" home situations.

This page in the Preservice Educators Community looks at the subject of assessment from a broader perspective.

This page in the Counseling Community provides resources on general, college/career, and mental health assessment.


What Do Tests Test? --- A Commentary by Howard Gardner
Howard Gardner, the John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs professor in cognition and education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the "father" of multiple intelligences theory, weighs in on the issue of high-stakes testing in this commentary. "We must proceed cautiously before we place students' minds and hearts at risk with tests of dubious quality whose meaning can be over-interpreted and whose consequences can be devastating," writes Gardner.

Creating Rubrics: Tools You Can Use
"But I worked all night on that report! How could you give me a D?" Rubrics provide teachers with an objective method for evaluating skills that don't lend themselves to objective assessment methods and they help answer the age-old question, "What did I do to deserve *this* grade?" Learn how rubrics can guide your students and support your assessments. Included: Three online tools for creating rubrics.

How Important Should One Test Be?
Education World continues its series on high-stakes testing today. What do the experts, national teacher organizations, and presidential candidates have to say about these tests?

Some Teachers, Students, Parents Say No to Tests!
Today, Education World's "Are High-Stakes Tests the Answer?" series continues as we examine the backlash against high-stakes testing. Across the nation, a growing number of parents, teachers, students, and organizations are questioning the tests' merits.

High-Stakes Tests Punishing Some Students?
Can high-stakes tests cure what ails education? Today, Education World explores the issue of high-stakes testing. We examine whether the tests hurt some students, especially English-learning, low-income, and learning-disabled students.

Teachers Learn from Looking Together at Student Work
School reformers say the way to improve education and accountability is by improving the way teachers and students look at student work. Today, Education World examines two collaborative approaches that teachers are using to look at student work. Included: Tips for looking at student work.

Should Standardized Tests Determine Who Is Held Back?
High-stakes testing in Louisiana will affect about one-third of the fourth- and eighth-grade students. Those students flunked math and reading tests in March and may be kept back this year unless they attend summer school and pass a second test in July.

Assessment Reform: Are We Making Progress?
Education World offers a brief summary of findings from a recently released study of assessment reform. Is assessment reform working? How are teachers handling new approaches to assessment? Are students and curriculum benefiting from new assessment methods approaches?

FairTest: The National Center for Fair & Open Testing
The National Center for Fair & Open Testing is an advocacy organization working to ensure that standardized testing and evaluation methods are fair, open, and educationally sound for individuals of all cultures and backgrounds.

The Challenge 2000 Multimedia Project: Project-Based Learning With Multimedia
The Challenge 2000 Multimedia Project is an innovative approach to learning and assessment in which students research, design, and create a multimedia project. The site offers support resources for starting such a program and includes assessment rubrics, curriculum activities, technical guides, and project examples.

Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing
This is the Web site from the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).

Educational Testing
This Web site has information on the AP(r), GMAT(r), GRE(r), LSAT(r), PRAXIS, SAT(r) and the TOEFL(r) examinations.

Administration Resources : Education Issues: Social Sciences : Psychology : Clinical: Special Education: Teachers Resources:


Psychological Assessment
A journal from the American Psychological Association.

Links To Resources For Performance Assessment
A comprehensive list on performance assessment in the regular classroom from the Best Practices Web site.

The National Center on Educational Outcomes
The NCEO provides national leadership in the participation of students with disabilities and limited English proficient students in national and state assessments, standards-setting efforts, and graduation requirements.

A clearinghouse for assessment, evaluation, and research resources.

Mental Disorders Symptoms and Treatment
An excellent list of Diagnostic criteria for childhood, adult, and personality disorders.

Educational Testing Service Office of Disability Policy
The Office of Disability Policy coordinates all ETS policies and procedures related to serving individuals with disabilities. Included is a directory of tests.

Testing Students with Disabilities
A Spotlight Issue on fair testing at the Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy Web site (Boston College School of Education).

The DSM IV Criteria for ADD: A Closer Look
An excellent reference from the Born to Explore Web site.

MBTI Temperament and ADD
An excellent reference from the Born to Explore Web site.

The Keirsy Temperament Sorter
An online personality questionnaire (36 questions)

Personality: Character and Temperament
The Web Site for the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and Keirsey Temperament Theory

What are those tests REALLY measuring?
A short parent's guide to special education assessment.