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Science Subject Center 4


Coding and Quilting the Elements
This multi-stage classroom project combines chemistry, technology, the arts, and more to teach students discipline, problem solving, and the sense of pride that comes from a difficult job done well. Included: Five teacher-created for your own classroom project.

Definition Expedition
Students in grades 9-12 learn three ways to define a term in technical writing, search the Web for scientific text, then copy and paste sections into a Word document. Finally, they use the highlighter feature of Word to highlight examples of definitions within the text.  

Sites to See: Tsunamis
The 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia has renewed interest in this rare and mysterious natural disaster. What causes tsunamis? How can we predict and track them? What can we do to avoid them? Learn the science behind tsunamis at these sites for middle- and high-school students.

Prehistoric Pen Pals
Students research dinosaurs, then assume the personality of a specific dinosaur species in this lesson for grades 3-5. Each student/dinosaur writes an online "getting to know you" letter to another student/dinosaur in class. Students swap letters and reply to each other's questions, improving research and letter writing skills while learning fun dinosaur facts.

Author Makes Science Readable, Enjoyable
Finding the textbooks her children brought home uninspiring, Joy Hakim combined her skills as an educator and journalist and began writing texts. Her latest, The Story of Science, is a flowing narrative of the evolution of science.

ExploraVision Contest Sparks Students' Imaginations
From household helpers to intricate medical technology, the Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Awards program has inspired student research teams to develop some amazing creations.

The Prop Box: Setting the Stage for Meaningful Play
Dramatic play is an essential mode of learning for young children, and "prop boxes," play materials grouped by theme, make this activity even more effective. Find out how you can use these educational tools to guide your students toward meaningful role-playing and creative exploration.

Sites to See: Space Science
Space Science sites offer lesson plans, interactive activities, the latest news on space exploration and research, updates on current missions, and spectacular photos and videos for teaching and learning about space.

WebQuest: A Bug Safari
This spring, the town nature director has decided to conduct insect safaris throughout the park. Your class has been asked to create a field guide to help those who go on the safaris learn about the insects they see. The field guide will include information about what the insects look like, where they live, what they eat, and how they hurt and/or help people.

Sites to See: Bugs and Insects
Insects are an extremely diverse group, existing in a seemingly endless variety of shapes and sizes and colors and disguises. Why not add a little diversity -- and excitement -- to your spring activities with a few lessons about the wonderful world of insects? Included: Three dozen links to insect info and activities.


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