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Educational Research
This page in the Preservice Educators Community has more information on education research.


Does High Teacher Pay = High Achievement? A Study Says No!
A new, in-depth report takes a look at how states spend education money and finds that the most cost-effective ways of increasing student achievement are by reducing pupil-teacher ratios, providing more prekindergarten programs, and providing teachers with discretionary classroom resources --- not by raising teacher pay.

Kids at Risk --- Can Educators Help?
A new government report indicates that kids in the United States are generally OK. Many indicators show an improvement in their overall well-being. Not all the news is good, however. Today, Education World highlights some findings from a collaborative effort by 20 federal agencies. Included: What do the report's findings say to educators?

Why Are Chicago-Area Students Tops in the World in Math and Science? A group of Chicago school superintendents set out to make their students first in the world in science and math. Five years and $1 million later, the educators have established a solid research base to help them make decisions for improving math and science curriculum and instruction.

HEADLINE: Strong Libraries Improve Student Achievement
Last month, site-based management teams at 11 elementary schools in Kalamazoo, Michigan, chose to cut their budgets for the 2000-2001 school year by eliminating the position of school librarian. Did they make the right decision? A new study indicates that what they made was a big mistake! Included: Results of a recent study show that students at schools with strong media centers scored significantly higher on standardized tests than students at schools with less-well-equipped and staffed libraries.

Study Looks for Keys to Early School Success
Kindergartners start school with a wide range of early childhood experiences, skills, and knowledge. A government study is taking a close look at kindergartners as they start school and will track them through their primary grades so the nation's schools can better meet their diverse needs. Included: New unpublished analyses focusing on ethnic-minority classrooms and gender and age differences.

One Reading Report That Wont Sit on the Shelf!
There is no magic bullet that can teach all children how to read, according to a comprehensive study by the National Reading Panel. After reviewing more than 115,000 studies, the panel concludes that a combination of methods that includes teaching phonics, reading aloud, and using comprehension strategies is the best way to teach reading. This is one report that wont sit on the shelf, one official told Congress.


AACTE Education Policy Clearinghouse
The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education provides the funding for this clearinghouse of educational policy at the national, regional, and state levels.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is a branch of the U.S. Department of Education. The NECS gathers and analyzes data on the state of education in America and disseminates its findings through annual publications, both on the Internet and in hard copy.

North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL)
NCREL's mission is to "strengthen and support schools and communities in systemic change so that all students achieve standards of educational excellence,"..."to help teachers teach better, students learn better, administrators provide better leadership, and policy makers make better policy."

Library in the Sky (Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory)
The Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory is one of ten national educational research and development organizations supported by the U.S. Department of Education to improve education.

Administration Resources: Government Agencies: USA: Executive Branch: Teacher Resources:

The Informed Educator
A professional newsletter designed to keep readers informed about educational research.

The Future of Children This e-zine is published three times a year by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Los Altos, CA. The primary purpose of The Future of Children is to disseminate timely information on major issues related to children's well-being.

The K-12 Practioner's Circle The issues and research section of the Federal Dept. of Ed.--includes lots of stats.

Current Index to Journals in Education
This database of nearly a thousand Education Journals is affiliated with ERIC.

Topics from A to Z From the US Department of Education
A great guide to the entire Federal Dept of Ed site.

Access ERIC
A guide to using and finding information at the US the Educational Resources Information Center.

Regional Educational Laboratories Network
A guide to all of the US Regional Educational Laboratories. An excellent set of education research resources!

Education Research and Practice -- Reports and Studies
Comprehensive, timely analyses of major educational topics such as systemic reform, the relationship between time and learning, and research-informed transformation of instruction.

Harvard Educational Review
A leader in educational scholarship for over 60 years.

Newsletters and Journals from ED
A variety of education publication offered by various branches of the Federal Dept. of Ed.

The Grandfather Education Report
This is a somewhat radical view on the state of education in the US and the need for school reform.

Statistics on Teaching in America
From the National Commission on Teaching & America's Future.