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Independence Day & Fourth of July Lessons and Activities

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
The United States celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

And Education World brings you great sites to explore, games to play, and lesson plans that will help your students recognize how the United States became an independent nation.

For additional lesson ideas, be sure to click this link to our Constitution Day resources.


America's Freedom Documents
Nine lesson plans for teaching about three important freedom documents -- the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Included: Activities that involve students in creating time lines and posters, writing new amendments, and much more.

Education World

Memorial Day Holiday Page


The Fourth of July -- A Day to Remember
Polls reveal that Americans know surprisingly little about their country's history. Education World remembers --- and celebrates America's struggle for independence with these patriotic activities.

The American Revolution
Education World highlights seven Web sites to help your students discover the American Revolution.

Never a Dull Moment: Growing Up In Colonial America
What was it like to grow up in colonial America? With Colonial Days: Discover the Past with Fun Projects, Games, Activities, and Recipes, today's students can experience colonial America through the lives -- and activities -- of yesterday's families.

Core Documents of Democracy
This United States Government Printing Office site provides access to legislative, regulatory, demographic and economic documentation about and from the United States government.

Join the Revolution!
Invite your students to follow the progress of the war -- from that first battle to the final surrender -- by participating in some Revolutionary War activities.

A Chronology of U.S. Historical Documents
Here is a one page site which provides a link farm to US Historical Documents that are on the web. It is simply designed and packed with links of importance for any history teacher...

Benjamin Franklin: An American Renaissance Man
Businessman, journalist, inventor, diplomat: A new biography of the intriguing and multitalented Benjamin Franklin provides a vivid and colorful look at one of the country's founders.