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Site Review: Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology

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Content:  The Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology (CARET)  is a project of the International Society for Technology in Education and is funded by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Its primary function is to, bridge education technology research to practice by offering research-based answers to critical questions.

Design:  The site has a very simple design with limited choices. This actually makes it easy to find what you're looking for. Though there's an awful lot of information here, the simple navigation breaks it down so you can find useful information quickly. The biggest challenge comes in not getting lost in the data. Though on the surface it looks like there's not many choices, as you drill down through the site, the depth of available data becomes very strong.

Review:  CARET is a rich resource of information for anyone involved in educational technology. It offers critical reviews of articles and studies related to all areas of educational technology, with links to many of the full text articles. The reviews are archived from 1997 and include such topics as the digital disconnect, virtual schools, and the impact of media and technology in schools. Users can also browse a number of questions and answers about student learning, curriculum and instruction, online teaching and learning, professional development, and assessment and evaluation. Also available is a “Helpful Resource” section that offers a list of categorized Web links is such categories as assessment and evaluation, curriculum and instruction, and online journals as well as a glossary intended to help users as they read the literature summaries and research reviews.

Bottom Line:  CARET offers more depth than its design originally suggests. The site offers a strong group of resources for anyone involved in or interested in educational technology.


Article by Daniel B. Kline, EducationWorld Contributing Editor
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