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Book Report Makeover: Don't Forget Your Jacket!

Each week, Education World offers a new idea to help you "make over" boring book report formats. If you're looking for a way to spice up book reports -- and truly engage students in reading -- you've come to the right place. Check out this week's makeover idea

Students create book jacket book reports.

Have each student fold a piece of brown craft paper or a grocery bag into a book jacket shape. Then provide the following directions for completing the book jackets:

  • On the cover, illustrate the book's setting. Do not copy the original book cover.
  • On the inside front flap, write a description of the main character.
  • On the inside back flap, write a description of the main problem in the book.
  • On the back cover, write a summary of the story.

Display the book jackets on a classroom bulletin board.

Source: Not Your Same Old Book Report

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