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Book Report Makeover: 2 Minute Commercial

Each week, Education World offers a new idea to help you "make over" boring book report formats. If you're looking for a way to spice up book reports -- and truly engage students in reading -- you've come to the right place. Check out this week's makeover idea

Students create commercials for books they've read.

Set up a video camera in the back of the classroom, providing students with instructions on how to use it. (Post a sheet of simple instructions for reinforcement.) Have each student videotape himself or herself presenting a 2 -minute "commercial" for a recently read book. During the first 30 seconds of the commercial, the student should tell what he or she liked about the book. During the next 2 minutes, the student should read a favorite passage from the book -- a passage that might motivate others to want to read the book.

If possible, make a few copies of the video and send it home with a different student each night, so families can view the children's work -- and get ideas for books to give as gifts.

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